Updated to Version 4.1.3

Adjusted the "Innate Abilities" of the Species that have them.

They now Function like follows
" Species with an Innate Ability  have 10 dedicated Power Points that recharge normally. As a limited free action, the Species automatically activates the power with success for its listed cost, or with a raise, if applicable, for an additional 2 Power Points. Innate Abilities do not grant access to Edges that require an Arcane Background, but character may take the Power Points Edge. If the hero also has an Arcane Background, none of its Edges or abilities can be used with Innate Abilities and vice- versa. Innate Abilities do not count as Arcane Backgrounds for the purpose of Edge Requirements, and the AP for them must be kept separate from the PP of other sources."


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96 days ago

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